GSALT series
Online SSB Melee tournament
My good friend, and with the help of others, helped organize an online weekly event to help cure the boredom of being home and to get people together in a safe, but fun, way.

Describe your image

My cousin likes to rap, and I think he's fantastic! He needs covers for his tracks and albums from time to time, so I'm always happy to help him out. Some design stick, while others don't, but each experience is a learning experience.
My creative cousin and his musical endeavors

Niche goods for niche consumers
Playing games competitively means there's special equipment you need to maintain, if not surpass, your skill level. This customer creates custom controllers for clients, and I couldn't be more excited that to work with them in their passion project.
I helped them by creating their new logo (left) and their ad flyer (below) to help promote their products and services. They continue to improve on their success and I continue to support them with whatever other commissions they got for me.